Hammond Reef Project – Aggregate Quantity Estimate Study



The Hammond Reef Gold Deposit Project is located in the Sawbill Bay – Marmion Reservoir area of the Thunder Bay Mining District, approximately 170 kilometres west of Thunder Bay, Ontario and approximately 30 km north of the Town of Atikokan. The Project consists of three key parts:

1. A mine to extract the gold ore
2. An ore processing facility to produce pure gold from ore
3. A tailings management system to safely contain waste product

TBT Engineering’s Role

TBT Engineering was retained by Saulteaux Consulting & Engineering Inc.(SCE) to provide a Preliminary Road Aggregate Quantity Estimate Study for Osisko’s Hammond Reef project near Atikokan, Ontario.

Project Methodology

Osisko required a Preliminary Road Aggregate Quantity Estimate for scoping an associated Aggregate Pit Permitting assignment being completed by others. TBTE was well positioned to provide a fast and suitably accurate estimate of the required granular types and quantities.
A field visit took place to verify some dimensions of the existing roadway at random locations along each of the three sections of the access road (Hard Tack, Sawbill and Reef Roads) over a total length of approximately 37.5 km.

Preliminary quantity estimates were based on an assumed cross section and sub-base composition.

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